
Showing posts from May, 2024

Mga Obispo

Filipos 1:1 Si Pablo at si Timoteo, na mga alipin ni Cristo Jesus, sa lahat ng mga banal kay Cristo Jesus na nangasa Filipos, pati ng mga obispo at ng mga diakono: Ang pagbati ni Pablo ay nakadirekta sa dalawang grupo: 1. Mga banal kay Cristo Jesus na nasa Filipos; 2. Mga obispo at diakono. Sa mga nakaraang blogs, nakita nating ang mga banal ay tumutukoy sa mga mananampalataya kay Jesus. Sa sandaling ang isang tao ay manampalataya kay Jesus, siya ay may buhay na walang hanggang at tinawag na banal. Hindi na kailangang siya ay mamatay, imbestigahan ng mga punong eklesiastiko ang kaniyang buhay, at gumawa ng himala sa kaniyang pangalan; ang banal ay sinumang sumampalataya kay Jesus. Siya ay banal dahil siya ay kinuha ng Espiritu Santo mula sa sanlibutan at inilagay kay Jesus na Banal. Kay Cristo nakibahagi ang mananampalataya sa buhay, katuwiran, kabanalan at eternalidad ni Cristo. Siya ay nakatalaan para kay Cristo.  Sa nakaraan ding blogs, tinalakay natin na ang presensiya ng mga obisp

The Churches of Revelation 2-3

Among futurist interpreter of Revelation, there are two schools of thought regarding the seven churches of Rev 2-3.  According to one school of thought, Rev 2-3 describes a prophetic historic of the churches, that is every church describes a particular stage in church history. For instance AJ Pollock holds the following periods of church history: EPHESUS: First phase of Church history. Began at the end of the apostolic age when the Apostle John wrote. Succeeded by Smyrna. SMYRNA: A period of persecution allowed by God as a voice to the Church, which in the preceding stage had been marked by decline of “first love.” Succeeded by Pergamos. PERGAMOS: The period marked by the alliance of the Church with the world, beginning about the time of the Emperor Constantine. Succeeded by Thyatira. THYATIRA: That phase of the Church in which corruption asserted itself, and is seen full blown in Roman Catholicism. Represents the whole Church till Sardis appeared, when Thyatira still pursued her way,

The Faith of 1 Peter 1:6-9

1 Peter 1:6-9 [6]In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, [7]so that the proof of your FAITH, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ; [8]and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, [9]obtaining as the outcome of your FAITH the salvation of your souls. What is the FAITH in these verses? This is the FAITH of a person who is distressed under manifold trials. The result of the FAITH tested by manifold trials is DELIVERANCE OF YOUR LIFE. This is the occasion for rejoicing in vs 6. Vs 8 is a parenthesis connected with Jesus Christ. Since you passed the test of faith, you rejoice, you have the promise of praise/glory/honor at the revelation of Christ (which occasioned

No One Cares For My Soul

Psalms 142:4 [4]Look to the right and see; For there is no one who regards me; There is no escape for me; No one cares for my soul. Do you feel trapped by your circumstances and you are so alone that you think everyone is out there to get you? That people are laying snares to trap you and harm you? Well, David is literally trapped in a cave with the most powerful man in his country whose chief goal in life is to have him killed! David is no stranger to caves but this particular prayer/lament/psalm, call it what you want, is probably spoken during the situation described in 1 Sam 24 when Saul unwittingly enter the cave David is in to relieve himself, thus putting his life at the mercy of the man he spent the last years of his life trying to kill. The chapter describes how well David handle himself, rather than harming Saul, placed him at the hands of God despite his men's urging. Psalms 142 tells us why.  David is asking God for deliverance because he felt overwhelmed, vs 1-4. He fe

A Brotherhood Without Walls

Romans 12:15 [15]Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. A Christian is a part of community, a brotherhood without walls of all believers in Christ. Then geographically, the believers gathered today for purposes of teaching and fellowship (Acts 2:42). As believers we have gifts given so the church will benefit. Our gifts are given so we can minister to the needs of our fellow believers. The Christian who isolates himself from other believers are depriving the church of God-given enablements designed to lead the church into maturity. He is depriving his fellow believers of much needed ministries of encouragement, exhortation, sharing, and mutual teaching. In addition the Bible listed many "one another" mandates that can only be obeyed if one is interacting in a community of believer. For instance a believer can rejoice and weep (hopefully not at the same time or one after another repeatedly) but please don't do it alone or the mental health profession

Even Leaders Need Counsel

Proverbs 29:1 [1]A man who hardens his neck after much reproof Will suddenly be broken beyond remedy. The head who thinks that he can rule absolutely without the need for counsel or reproof should remember that it is the neck that moves the head. There is safety in the abundance of counselors but he who doesn't listen to the voice of others or listen to the wrong ones (remember Rehoboam and Ahab before the battle for Ramoth-Gilead) will find himself broken without remedy. He refused counsel and did not see the signposts and will suffer the consequences. (Kung gusto ninyo ng karagdagang impormasyon, bisitahin ninyo kami. May pagtitipon kami sa Dahat, kada Linggo, alas 8:30-10:30 am. Sa Amoguis, 1:00-3:00 pm. Sana manampalataya kayo at kita-kita tayo.)

On Dreams and Visions

On dreams and visions in the Dispensation of Grace: Just because something comes true does not mean it comes from God. What God wants us to know He recorded in the Bible.  Deuteronomy 13:1-4 [1]"If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, [2]and the sign or the wonder comes true, concerning which he spoke to you, saying, 'Let us go after other gods (whom you have not known) and let us serve them,' [3]you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams; for the Lord your God is testing you to find out if you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. [4]You shall follow the Lord your God and fear Him; and you shall keep His commandments, listen to His voice, serve Him, and cling to Him. Even in OT, it is WHAT GOD SAYS in the Law that has precedence over dreams/visions/etc. Even if they come to pass, if they do not square with God's revealed written word, that is rebellion. (Kung g

God's Work Must Be Supported by God's People

God's work must be supported by God through God's people. I will not knowingly receive donations in cash and/or kind to support our work from people who do not believe in grace salvation. I am most thankful for your generosity but I do not want any people to think that by giving to our work you are earning points to go to Heaven. Eternal life IS a free gift to those who believe, NOT something that can be earned by giving money or attending church services or doing works of charity. Freely we receive, freely we give. No strings attached. If you are not sure if you have eternal life, do not give. Instead read these and tell me what you think: https:/

Pakikisama sa Filipos

Filipos 1:5 Dahil sa inyong pakikisama sa pagpapalaganap ng evangelio, mula nang unang araw hanggang ngayon. Ang salitang pakikisama o fellowship ay nangangahulugan ng iba't ibang bagay sa iba't ibang tao. Kadalasan ang salita ay ginagamit upang ilarawan ang mga okasyon sa simbahan na may kainan, laro at programa. Minsan ginagamit din ito kapag may mga Cristiano mula sa ibang simbahan na dumayo upang maki-fellowship. O kaya ay ginagamit ito upang ilarawan kung aling mga simbahan ang magkakapareho ng paniniwala at pagpapahalaga gaya ng pagiging bahagi ng fellowship of churches. Lahat ng mga ito ay lehitimong gamit ng salita.  Ang salitang fellowship ay nangangahulugang pagbabahagi sa iba o pagkakaroon ng kumon na interes sa iba. Maaari ka lamang makisama sa mga taong kapareho mo ng interes o mga taong komportable kanh ibahagi ang iyong sarili, oras, pera at lakas. Gaya ng sinulat ni Amos: Amos 3:3 Makalalakad baga ang dalawa na magkasama, liban na sila'y magkasundo? Ang pak

The LORD Whose Name is Jealous

Exodus 34:14 [14]-for you shall not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God- The Bible challenges its readers, especially the believers, to choose between God and something else. The God whose name is Jealous wouldn't tolerate. A rival for attention. Unlike the pagan gods who are okay with a pantheon (in fact they are probably happy for more gods and goddesses means more objects to hump, I mean lust after, excuse my language), God clearly does not allow competition. The number one sin of His people is not murder or rape, bad as they are, but idolatry. Idolatry lead people away from God, away from His word, and finally who cares if what you are doing is not right since God wouldn't notice, or maybe there is no God, right only gods who cater to human whims? So God takes idolatry seriously. And repeatedly the Bible ask His people to choose: Joshua 24:15 [15]If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom


  LOVING THE BRETHREN John 13:34-35 [34]A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. [35]By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." The mark of a disciple IS love. Note I say disciple, not a believer. Anybody who believes in Jesus Christ is a believer and is guaranteed life eternal and a status of being an adult inheriting son. But ONLY a disciple grows enough to learn love, first loving God which expresses itself to loving His children. In other words not all believers are disciples and therefore not all grow enough to love his brothers. This kind of love is a mark that identifies for the unbeliever who is a true disciple, not just disciple by name.  While anyone can claim to love the brethren (after all words are cheap- they shouldn't be), true love expresses itself in action. The Bible speaks of faith working in love and of labor of love because that's w

Does Galatians 5:4 Teach Lose of Salvation?

  One of the verse that is misinterpreted to mean loss of salvation is Gal 5:4. Galatians 5 [4]You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace. I believe this is erroneous and I will discuss why. Galatians 5:1-7 [1]It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. [2]Behold I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no benefit to you. [3]And I testify again to every man who receives circumcision, that he is under obligation to keep the whole Law. [4]You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace. [5]For we through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness. [6]For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love. [7]You were running well; who hindered you from obeying the truth? 1. Paul clearly ta

Does John 3:19-21 Teach Works Salvation?

  John 3:19-21 is misinterpreted to mean that if you need to do works to be (or assisted in being) saved. That is odd since it is part of a passage that clearly says believing in Christ is the way to have eternal life. Here is the passage:  John 3:19-21 [19]This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. [20]For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. [21]But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God."  1. The context: Nicodemus visited Jesus by night. The conversation is about being born again. 2. It is clear that UNLESS a man is born again he cannot see (much less enter, vs 3, 5) the kingdom of God. 3. This results to a discussion on what it means to be born again. It is not about being reborn physically but being born spiritually. Physical birth is

Riches of God's Grace

  If I believe in Christ, what then will be there for us? It is only natural to ask what do we get for believing in Christ. In our text Peter is asking what will he get for leaving all and following Christ. Matthew 19:27 [27]Then Peter said to Him, "Behold, we have left everything and followed You; what then will there be for us?" Jesus' answer is: Matthew 19:28-30 [28]And Jesus said to them, "Truly I say to you, that you who have followed Me, in the regeneration when the Son of Man will sit on His glorious throne, you also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. [29]And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or farms for My name's sake, will receive many times as much, and will inherit eternal life. [30]But many who are first will be last; and the last, first. So let us ask ourselves the same question, what do we get for believing in Christ. The original list by Dr. Chafer listed 33 benefit

Spiritual Warfare

Sometimes believers suffer as part of the raging spiritual warfare, the angelic conflict. He became the battlefield between good and evil. The book of Job is an excellent example. Righteous Job became the target of Satan in an attempt to get at God. He wanted Job to blaspheme God. Righteous Job wake up one day that everything he owned is gone. Yet Job hold on to his integrity. As if this is not enough, the next round consists of direct attack to his own health. And of all the things that could be left, he was left with a nagging wife, and well-meaning but insensitive friends. In three rounds of debate the friends limit their understanding of suffering to sin and its consequence. It never occurred to them that Job is suffering because of angelic conflict. Sometimes we suffer too even though we are doing God's will we suffer because we became target of the angelic conflict. See Eph 3:8-13; 6:10-20; 2 Cor 12:7-13; 1 Pt 5:6-9. (Kung gusto ninyo ng karagdagang impormasyon, bisitahin nin

Ang Aking Mensahe sa Pagtatapos ng Akademikong Taon

Una sa lahat, ang aking pasasalamat sa Diyos na nagbigay sa inyo ng husay at tiyaga upang matapos ang taong akademiko. Alam kong hindi madali ang pagsabayin ang pag-aaral at pagiging Cristiano at may mga pagkakataong kahit Linggo, at araw ng pagsamba, ay napipilitan kayong lumiban sa simbahan o kaya naman may pagtitipon sa paaralan ngunit kasabay ng simbahan at lumiban kayo sa paaralan. Pero salamat sa Diyos, natapos ninyo ang taon.  Ikalawa, pagbati at natamo ninyo ang bunga ng inyong paghihirap. Ikaw Naomi ay With High Honors at ikaw Ephraim ay With Honors. Nakatanggap kayo ng medalya at sertipiko bilang patunay na tagumpay ninyong naipasa ang lahat na hinihingi ng paaralan. Testamento ang mga iyan ng inyong pagsusunog ng kilay. Proud na proud ako sa inyong dalawa. May nagsasabing masama ang maging proud. Sa tingin ko walang masama sa pagmamalaki sa pagsisikap ng mga anak. Ang masama ay ang itaas ko kayo sa pedestal at ibagsak ang iba para magawa ito.  Ngunit mga anak, sana tandaan n

Are you hiding in your inner room?

  ARE YOU HIDING IN YOUR INNER ROOM? 1 Kings 22:24-25 [24]Then Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah came near and struck Micaiah on the cheek and said, "How did the Spirit of the Lord pass from me to speak to you?" [25]Micaiah said, "Behold, you shall see on that day when you enter an inner room to hide yourself." Zedekiah the false prophet of Asherah have been telling Ahab what he wanted to hear. Micaiah courageously, sarcastically at first, tell Ahaz that he will die in that battle. His fate has been shown to Micaiah, 1 Kings 22:20. Ahab take this to be the usual evil things Micaiah is saying against him. You see Micaiah is a negative thinker, he did not follow the spirit of the times, he is not cooperative. Unlike Micaiah Zedekiah is supportive of Ahab. He narrowly escaped death from Elijah's hands, 1 Kings 18, and he did not intend to receive it from Ahab. So with fanfare he told his boss, "Boss you can do it. I am giving you this gift that will make you succe

Praying for Others

  (Stole this photo from a friend. Meditation is mine.)  Praying (Intercession and Supplication) for each other is a privilege. While not all prayers are intercessory and supplications, both are major parts of our spiritual life. Praying recognizes dependence on Someone else who can meet whatever the need is at the present. Prayer tells God, "I want to talk to you, will you listen?" Of course He actually knew what the prayer is about but He wanted to hear it anyway. This is us learning to access power beyond ourselves. One may object but if He knew it why will He want you to pray for it? Why not simply give what is in your hearts? Of course He can do that. But then we are robbed of the happiness in seeing our prayers answered. How are we to know that God answers our prayers if we did not pray? Knowing a need, praying for it, and receiving an answer, boosts our confidence in the God who answered prayers. This we will lost if God simply drop all our needs even before we need th